Privacy policy
This privacy policy informs about privacy practices and principles of personal data processing in connection with SIA Prima VK e-shop and services. To communicate regarding data processing issues, please write an e-mail to
What information do we collect?
We collect personal data that you voluntarily provide to us through e-mail, web-based questionnaires and other direct communications with you.
When placing an order, you must provide your first name, last name, contact information, delivery address, [view additional data] and other information you wish to provide.
How do we use the personal data we collect?
We may use the collected personal data to
- provide you with the services and information you request,
- process your orders and complete the necessary documents,
- provide you with effective customer support,
- help prevent threats or fraudulent activities,
- send you informational messages if you have expressly agreed to receive them,
- comply with the requirements of regulatory acts,
Mēs varam nodot jūsu informāciju trešajām personām, lai ievērotu normatīvo aktu prasības, sadarbotos ar uzraudzības iestādēm, palīdzētu novērstu noziedzīgas darbības un aizsargātu mūsu, jūsu un citu personu likumīgās tiesības.
How do we protect personal data?
We use various technical and organizational security measures to protect your personal data. Your personal data is available to a limited number of people, only authorized persons.
How long do we store personal data?
We store your personal data for as long as we need it in accordance with the purpose of its acquisition and as permitted or determined by the requirements of regulatory acts.
How do we use cookies?
Cookies are small text files that the websites you visit save on your computer. They are used to ensure the functioning of the website, as well as to provide information to the website owners.
This website can set the following cookies:
- Functional cookies. These cookies are necessary for you to be able to navigate the website and use its functions. Without these cookies, we cannot provide the services you request, such as shopping cart functionality.
- Google Analytics cookies. These cookies are used to obtain visit statistics of our website. We use this information to improve website performance and advertising efforts.
- Targeted advertising tool cookies. These cookies are used to increase the effectiveness of advertising and to display advertisements that are likely to be of most interest to you.
- Third-party service provider cookies. Cookies can be set by the following third-party services used on this website: Facebook "Like" button, YouTube video, [other services]. Some of these cookies may be used to track your activities on other websites and we cannot control them because these cookies are not set by our website.
How can you restrict cookies?
To opt out of receiving cookies, you can use the private browsing mode provided by most browsers (private window, incognito window or InPrivate window). Any cookies created during private browsing are deleted as soon as you close all browser windows.
You can opt-out of the collection and use of information necessary for serving targeted advertising using a free tool Your Online Choices or YourAdChoices.
Your rights in relation to your personal data
Ja jūs esat datu subjekts saskaņā ar ES VDAR (piemēram, jūs esat ES pilsonis un sniedzat mums savus personas datus), jums ir turpmāk minētās tiesības saistībā ar saviem personas datiem:
- Tiesības piekļūt informācijai. Jums ir tiesības saņemt informāciju par to, kāpēc un kā tiek apstrādāti jūsu personas dati. Jums ir tiesības bez maksas saņemt mūsu rīcībā esošo jūsu personas datu kopiju plaši izmantotā elektroniskā formātā.
- Tiesības labot. Jums ir tiesības panākt neprecīzu vai nepilnīgu personas datu labošanu vai papildināšanu bez nepamatotas kavēšanās.
- Tiesības „tikt aizmirstam”. Jums ir tiesības atsaukt savu piekrišanu personas datu apstrādei un panākt savu personas datu dzēšanu bez nepamatotas kavēšanās, tiklīdz dati vairs nav nepieciešami, lai sniegtu jūsu pieprasītos pakalpojumus un ievērotu normatīvo aktu prasības.
- Tiesības ierobežot apstrādi. Jums ir tiesības panākt savu personas datu apstrādes ierobežošanu, ja jūs iebilstat pret to un mums nav leģitīmu pamatu turpināt apstrādi, ja jūs apstrīdat datu precizitāti, ja apstrāde ir pretlikumīga vai ja jūs pieprasāt celt, īstenot vai aizstāvēt likumīgas prasības.
- Tiesības iebilst. Jums ir tiesības jebkurā brīdī iebilst pret datu apstrādi, ja vien tas nav nepieciešams sabiedrības interesēs veicamam uzdevumam vai apstrādei nepastāv neapstrīdami likumīgs pamats.
- Citas tiesības saskaņā ar VDAR. Vairāk informācijas skatiet, apmeklējot ES datu aizsardzībai veltīto mājas lapu.
Privātuma politikas izmaiņas
Prima VK ir tiesības jebkurā laikā atjaunot vai mainīt Privātuma politiku. Atjaunota vai izmainīta Privātuma politika stājas spēkā kopš publicēšanas brīža vietnē.